LC32LE240M - LC 32LE340M
Factory setting
AC power is plug off after shipment setting is done.
CAUTION: Do not plug on again after shipment setting is
done. If do, please re-do the shipment setting. Do not off with remote control.
[Do inspection for LC-32LE240M/340M (for Philippines) using
NTSC signal.]
There are the following two ways to get the public mode
setup screen displayed.
1) Press the “INPUT” and “VOL (+)” keys on the set at once
and turn on the power.
2) Get the password input screen displayed.
* The input starts with the leftmost digit.
* Use the numeric keys [1] thru [9] and [10/0] keys on the
remote controller.
The other keys are not acceptable.
With a numeric-key input, “–” will change to “*”. The input
position will move one digit to the right.
With all the 3 digits entered, the password will be
3) The 3-digit password is now verified.
The password [0] [2] [7] provides for the public mode
screen. (This screen comes on with whatever adjustment process settings.) With any other passwords, the screen changes
to the normal mode.
Second Method
In the adjustment process mode, turn on “PUBLIC MODE”. Also
press the “CH (^)” and “VOL (+)” keys on the set at once and turn on the power.
How to Exit Public Mode
There are the following ways to quit the public mode setup
Public Mode Menu
The guidance is not displayed onscreen.
Setup procedure
* To move the cursor up and down, use the “cursor UP/DOWN”
key (remote controller) and “CH ▲/▼ key
(remote controller and set).
* To change the settings, use the “cursor RIGHT/LEFT” key
(remote controller) and “VOL (+)/(–)” key (remote controller and set).
* To save new settings, keep the cursor at “Execute” and use
the “cursor RIGHT/LEFT” key (remote controller) and “VOL (+)/(–)” key (remote
controller and set).
To get the setting items details; go to >>