L32D2930/MT565EP1-LA - LED Smart DTV - Factory mode, software update, Network configuration and more
Quad Core A7 1GHz
Dual Core MALI450MP2 400MHz
8Gb DDR3 / 4GB Flash
Supply: AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz
system: ATV:
PAL M / N;
system: PAL, NTSC
communicate with TV product for debugging, adjustment and so… it’s required
suitable 0.5V Serial Interface: USB to UART Bridge Adapter (FT2232D chipset
Assembly: Test & Alignment
Pre-Conditions and DC/DC Check
power-on, check the board according to the relevant block diagram and circuit
diagram, and make sure that no serious issue or mistake can destroy the board.
For example, the output of DC/DC and LDO should not be shorted to ground.
Supply a suited voltage and power-on, then check the voltage according to the
relevant block diagram, circuit diagram and voltage specification.
For example, check SoC voltage(3V3,1V8, CORE_1V9,5V, 5VSTB, etc.), DDR voltage
(DDR_1V5), audio amplifier voltage(12V),etc...
Measurements should fulfill specification within ±5% tolerances.
SW Image download
the latest release SW from below FTP server:
- Link: \\\goc\ (TOT)\ \MT56E1
- Username:None
- Password: None
- Folder: MT56E1
or PR step. ---Only test
In case of starting from blanked flash / eMMC, it’s necessary to use “Blank
upgrade” to update the SW.
case of starting from blanked flash, it’s necessary to write “emmc.upm” file
via factory copy in advance.
Stream//please delete it ,this mathine did not need this function to update
To manage quicker mass reflashing on predefined DVB Channel, some licensed IBL
tools ('xxx2lli.exe', 'lli2dsm.exe', dsmmerge.exe …) from Intel byte Inc. might
be necessary to create appropriate DVB SSU image. Over some predefine settings
such as repeated data block insertion, null packets size, … that are
controllable in configuration file, here below are mandatory OUI entries
structure to prepare DSM-CC carousel image format:
- export CUST_OAD_OUI 0x001C50
- export CUST_OAD_HW_MODEL 0x5395
- export CUST_OAD_HW_VERSION 0x0000
- export CUST_OAD_SW_MODEL 0x0001
- export CUST_OAD_SW_VERSION 0x00‚‚
OAD reflashing is managed within 4 steps operation: multiplex detection, DVB
transfer, flashing and warm-start.
How to
upgrade FLASH SW and EEPROM Clone using OAD
UART & IR Parser
To use both UART and/or IR parser, TV has to be set in Factory mode with itsUSB
port well connected to suitable UART device or an IR emitter device correctly
facing up TV (see below “Product Assembly - section 2.0” how to activate
“Factory key”).
The UART parser engine is enabled by sending following command “0xE2” from host
to TV within following presets 115200/8/n/1.
Once initialized, “PS” caption is toggle displayed on bottom left screen (“S”
like Serial).
To communicate with TV depending on SIACP revision layout implementation, you
need to fulfill UART/IR commands protocol and format described on enclosed
SIACP requirements document.
Project ID Modification
There are different IDs stored into thee MMC depending on different Panels
settings and Models features, but there is only one key branching Project ID
that includes all. So, it’s not recommended to modify Pane ID with Hyper
terminal as other ID features may not change.
To modify Project ID, you need to go through “Factory menu > Other >
Project ID”, then spin left or right with RCU “◄/►” key” keys to suitable ID
(Project name is dynamically refreshed).It is necessary to press “OK” key for
saving the setting.
to change the Project ID with RCU
the boards (chassis, KB, IR, PSU…) and the panel are well interconnected, plug
all external generator devices to relevant below inputs/outputs using
respective test patterns format to check picture and sound quality.
tones can be defined by the factory (ie: 1KHz & 3KHz, sweep, …).
Picture video formats can be changed by the factory according to their own
SoC as built-in A/D self-calibration mechanism, there’s not any ADC to perform.
DDC & EDID & T-Link Test
The E-EDID data structures are according to VESA Enhanced EDID 1.3 (and
EIA/CEA-861B for HDMI). CEA Timing Extension structure has been extended to
support all 3D capable timings.
All HDMI structures have their own BIN profile which are part of main SW and
uploaded at power-on into soc chipset: For EDID check, it’s needed to check
whether the correct EDID is downloaded by checking corresponding EDID NVM
Checksum or read them out to check bit by bit if it is in line with the
released EDID bin file.
For HDCP compliancy, it’s needed to check whether the HDCP key has been well
set by connecting suitable generator.
and WLAN Test(MAC address and Device/User ID codes)
are some representative codes examples:
ID: 6fa0806936a0ada733262a3f8e8595d5586ce5cb
ID: 111382090
address: 00:1C:50:E2:B1:EC
MAC Address Upgrade (IPv6)
MAC can be set using UART commands described on enclosed SIACP requirements
(rev. v3.9).
- Writing MAC command <0xB3>, Data length <6>, Data type
<HEXA> (see below command example from above MAC code)
<AA 0B B3 00 1C 50 E2 B1 EC 36 78>
How to upgrade MAC Address using USB
Purpose is to allow Other Newtork Download (OND) and further specific Services
via dedicated abroad portal (UK tbc).4 At final, when TV may ask for portal
connection, there’ll be Device ID matching control sent by host (TV client) to
ensure total integrity.
such, specific DID (40 bytes) needs to be paired and overwritten into memory
for internal client encryption.
All DID and MAC codes have to download
from portal local service via suitable factory workstation LAN system.
Then during production lot, it’s necessary to send/write all those codes to
each TV.
DID codes can only be set using UART commands described above on enclosed SIACP
requirements (rev. v3.9).
- Writing Device ID command <0xB2>, Data length <32>, Data type
<ASCII> (see below command example from above DID code)
<AA 25 B242 45 34 46 32 35 35 42 42 44 31 30 36 42 43 38 46 38 30 36 41 45
34 35 36 33 35 30 44 39 31 464893>
LAN Test
A rough LAN test can be done by connecting DHCP server to TV’s RJ45 and check
that IP, subnet mask, DNS, … addresses are visible on “User menu > Network
> Internet connection(On) > IP settings”.
More in-depth test can be performed faster using suitable UART/IR commands
following SIACP requirements. SW will internally manage Network ID (NID) flag
controlling all MAC/DID/UID integrity to facilitate PA screening further.
Factory Menu
the below steps to pop-up the Factory menu in case of “FactoryKey” is disabled:
- Press RCU “MENU” key to display main menu
- Select “Picture” and findpicture submenu
- Scroll down to“Contrast” item
- Press the subsequence RCU keys “9” “7” “3” and “5”
case of “FactoryKey” is enabled, just press RCU “Return” key to pop-up again
the Factory menu.
status of “FactoryKey” can be changed in “FactoryMenu -> Hotkey”
Press RCU “OK/►”keyto enter the submenu.
Press RCU “Menu”key to go back to the root menu.
Press RCU “◄/►” key to change the values.
Press RCU “OK”key run the function.
Press RCU “Exit”key to exit the Factory menu.
Captions Description
“FactoryKey” is enabled, there’re some toggled display information (~2s)
relative to SW, ProjectID, CI+, NetworkID to facilitate 100% quick screening
without accessing to whatever else menu:
SW Ver
FRC Ver(MEMC version)
Project ID(ID)
CI Key Activation flag (CI+ key)
NID(Internet in for factory)
P (Production/Factory mode flag) / S (Factory UART Parser mode flag) / W
(Warm-Up mode flag)
TCL standard and practices, it’s required minimum 15min of Warm-Up that can be
considered as Burn-In.
Additional Aging for White Balance alignment is no more necessary due to
consistent Picture Performance with Cloning usage.
This function is accessible by selecting “Factory menu > WARM UP”, pressing
RCU “OK/►” key and then leaving Factory menu by pressing “Exit” key. To
release/disable Burn-in mode, it’s just required to press “Menu” button from
local keyboard. Other faster methods via UART/IR commands are available on
enclosed SIACP requirements (rev. v5.4)
White Balance Touch-Up (Golden sample)
some color coordinates discrepancies can be noticed from panel batches to
others, it may necessary to perform slight touch-up.
For Color temperature adjustment, switch TV on leading HDMIinput where should
be connected suitable generator providing following format 1280x720p@60Hz test
pattern. A 32 steps grey scale is recommended to assess relevant colorimetry
tracking and low/high light saturation points.
that TV’s picture enhance is off.
Ensure that TV is in Factory mode to access to ”White Balance” adjustment
submenu, then scroll down to toggle off “Pic. Enhance” flag.
WB Normal is the first mode which is adjusted in HDMI source, the next are
HDMI warm and cool mode.
Warm and Cool Tone are relatives to Normal mode.WB adjust need to fix default G
Gain .Offset registers needn’t to be adjusted.
“Gain” registers set need to be adjusted at 70IRE
and Alignment Specification for MT56EP1 Series (v0 01) 160825.docx
and Tolerances for all inputs. (According to company uniform LED color
temperature standard of panel)
The measured and adjustable parameters should be mainly “x”, “y” coordinates.
The White Balance alignment should be performed using a well calibrated and
contact less analyser (ex: Minolta CA210 or CA310). The analyzer may not touch
the screen surface, and measurement must be performed in a dark environment
keeping the probe(s) at 90+/-2° from the panel center.
The results should fulfill specification for each TV set.
If measurements are performed on whatever else LED panel with Minolta CA210,
it’s required to calibrate additional channel (ex: CH01) using relative following
offsets (CH00 remains for CCFL panel):+0.002for “x” and +0.012 for“y”.Cloning
Once a TV is well aligned and prepared (channels maps, volume, picture presets,
…) , user can prepare golden clone image that can be copied on demand to all
further TV production lot of same TV. To access cloning function, you can
select “Factory menu > USB Clone &&Update > All Clone/CH
Clone/User data Clone” , Scroll down to “TV to USB” or “USB to TV” and press
RCU “OK/►” key to process.
BIN images can created, overwritten or read on USB stick (pen drive) depending
on chosen template like following: “database\applications\database\***.db” .
These files
need to be used strictly with NT667SoC platform as depending on SW structure.
Other faster access methods via UART/IR commandsare available on enclosed SIACP
requirements (rev. v3.9).
At final process stage, it’s necessary to perform“Reset shop” before any
packing to leave Factory mode and restore User default presets.
This function is accessible by selecting “Factory menu > Reset Shop”, then
pressing RCU “OK/►” key. Other faster methods via UART/IR commands are
available on enclosed SIACP requirements (rev. v5.4).
Note:A password might be required in case of
Parental Control function is locked, use default “1234” password or “0423”
super password to clean-up existing ones if forgotten.
How to upgrade SW FLASH using Blank upgrade
UART interface to suitable manufacturing TV input connector
Copy all SW BIN image into USB stick (pen drive) root path
USB key to TV, connect ADC0 to GND, and then Power on TV by AC, The Secure CRT
on PC will be displayed“ddr initial finish”, it means TV begin updating SW
finish update SW, TV will reboot automatically and please remove USB key.
Remember to perform “Factory menu > Reset ALL“and then press RCU “OK/►” key.
How to upgrade FLASH SW using USB
Upgrade with Loader
Switch TV to standby (LED should light
“V8-NT67F01-LF1Vxxx.bin” named
Copy the SW BIN image “update.img” into USB stick (pen drive) root path
Plug USB stick to the TV
Press “Power” button from local keyboard during a few seconds to start
upgrading process
Release “Power” button once LED is blinking or USB stick starts blinking, TV is
uploading SW BIN image
When reflashing is successful, TV should restart automatically after ~3min
Remember to perform “Factory menuÆReset ALL“ or “Factory menuÆReset Shop“ and
then press RCU “OK/►” key
Switch off TV by removing AC cord
Reconnect AC cord to restart TV
Note:If “Reset Shop” was performed, a
“Welcome Setup” menu should be displayed, otherwise new SW version should be
displayed into relevant Factory mode caption info or on bottom of “Factory menu“
Upgrade with novatek324.bin
In the previous of upgrade SW using USB, make sure the MEMC flash has the other
version of the program
Download the SW Package “V8-NT66701-LM1Rxxx.bin” from FTP, and rename the file
“V8-NT66701-LM1Rxxx.bin” to “NT_FRC.bin”
Copy the SW Bin image “NT_FRC.bin” into USB stick (pen drive) root path
Plug USB stick to the TV
Power on TV and Go to “Factory menu > USB Clone && Update > FRC
Upgrade > yes > “ then press RCU “OK” key
ALL the upgrade process may be 30~40 seconds
When reflashing is successful, TV should restart automatically.
Go to “Factory menu > Other > FRC Version“ ,you can find FRC version.How to update main software & FRC324(MEMC) by
local keyboard
Copy the MAIN SW BIN image “V8-NT67F01-LF1Vxxx.bin” into USB stick (pen drive)
root path
Copy the MEMC SW Package “V8-NT66701-LM1Rxxx.bin” into USB stick (pen drive)
root path
“V8-NT67F01-LF1Vxxx.bin” named
“V8-NT66701-LM1Rxxx.bin” named “324.bin”
Plug USB stick to the TV
Switch OFF TV.
Press “power on” key for 4s, TV will update SW automatically.
When flashing is successful, TV should restart automatically after ~3min
Remember to perform “Factory menuÆReset ALL“ or “Factory menu > Reset Shop“
and then press RCU “OK/►” key
Switch off TV by removing AC cord
Reconnect AC cord to restart TV
Note:“V8-NT66701-LM1Rxxx.bin” only
applies to the TV which has the function of MEMC used Novateck IC N72324
How to upgrade FLASH SW by OAD
Set TV to Factory mode (enable Factory key) and/or Burn-in mode if necessary
Connect RF antenna or whatever air antenna with suitable amplifier from any
digital broadcasting system (ex: DTA-115 Multi-Standard VHF/UHF Modulator -
Play DVB MPEG SSU TS, that includes suitable PKG SW image, with right presets
(850MHz/8MHz/…) detailed above.
Send OAD manufacturing IR code [08d/60d] (refer to SIACP document rev. v5.9 for
further information) or go to “Factory menu > Other > OAD update“ and
then press RCU “OK/►” key
OAD will start automatically and several pop-up messages such as
scanning/searching, downloading and flashing will be skipped (acknowledged by
upgrading completed, TV may restart automatically after warm start and implicit
Reset All (in case of NVM mapping/signature change) in previous Factory and/or
Burn-in mode.
How to change Project ID with RCU
subsequence IR codes to change project ID: 062598+MENU+xxx (xxx:ProjectID, ex:
If it work, the TV will be restart automatically.
3D Format Availability vs. Source Matrix
-TV product doesn’t support any 3D format for all kinds of pictures (JPEG, …)
3D format is automatically managed according to 3D signal source in HDMI
-For all available 3D format, it’s required to wear passive or active accessory
How to upgrade CI Key using USB
a new folder named “CIKEY” on USB stick (pen driver) root path.
Copy corresponding “*.key “files into CIKEY folder.
Under CIKEY folder, create a new folder named “backup” (once the CI key is
overwritten, the matching key file will be moved to this folder)
Plug USB stick to the TV
Go to “Factory menu > Other > CIKey upgrade > Update CI+ Credential
> Update From USB“ and then press RCU “OK/►” key
The “Valid” flag should now be enabled (turns to “Yes”), “Custom Code” should
displayed “TCL” and “Serial Num.” field should updated with Key number. Remove
USB stick
Note: If unfortunately the process
failed, you may need to download new CI key and repeat operation again.
How to upgrade MAC Address using USB
to “Factory menu > Other > IPTV > Update MAC Address > Update From
USB“ ,
but there is no this function which is only displaying.
The “Written status” flag should now be enabled (turns to “Yes”) and “MAC
address” should display corresponding address.
There is no this function which is only displaying.
How to upgrade Netflex ESN using USB”//already finished
USB root path, create a new folder named as “esn”, then copy corresponding ESN
KEY bin files into this folder;
Under “esn” path, the key be named as “nflxk_0000000000”,like this ,
Plug USB stick to the TV;
Go to “Factory menu > USB Clone & Update > ESN Key Upgrade“ and then
press RCU “OK” key
Remove USB stick.
SMPS [Power board] Schematic
Network Connection Setup
can set up your TV so that it can access the Internet through your local area
network (LAN) using a
wired or wireless connection.
Network Connection
You can connect your TV to your LAN using cable in three ways:
1) Plug your TV to your LAN by connecting the LAN port on your TV to an
external modem using a Cat5 cable
2) Plug your TV to your LAN by connecting the LAN port on your TV to an IP
Sharer which is connected to an external modem. Use Cat5 cable for the
3) Depending on how your network is configured, you may be able to plug your TV
to your LAN by connecting the LAN port on your TV directly to a network wall
outlet using a Cat5 cable (Note that the wall outlet is attached to a modem or
router elsewhere in your house)
Select “User menu > Network > Internet connection(On) > Interface”,
then select “Ethernet” to connect to a wired network.
Wireless Network Connection
connect your TV to your wireless network, you need a wireless router or modem
and a Wireless LAN Adapter.
Connect your “Wireless USB Adapter” (USB dongle) delivered with your TV to your
TV’s USB .
Select “User menu > Network > Internet connection(On) > Interface”,
then select “Wireless” to connect to a wireless network
Select “Wireless settings “and press “OK/►” to enter.
You can setup the wireless network connection three ways:
1) “Scan” mode
Select “Wireless settings > Scan”, then press “OK/►”, the TV will scan all
available access points and then display them
Select an available access point, then press “OK/►” to connect the TV to it
- If you select a protected access point, you will have to enter the
corresponding password. Press “OK” on the remote control to display virtual
keyboard to enable you to enter the password
2) “Manual” mode
Select “Wireless settings > Manual”, then press “OK/►”, you will be prompted
to enter the correct SSID of an available wireless router to setup the
3) “Auto” mode
If your AP supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup), you can connect to the network
via PIN (Personal Identification Number) or PBC (Push Button Configuration).
WPS will automatically configure the SSID and WPA key in either mode.
Select “Wireless settings > Auto”, then press “OK/►” to enter.
Network Setup
Press “Menu”on the remote control and select “User menu > Network > Internet
connection”. Then press “OK/►” key to select “On”. Wait until the connection is
automatically established
Select “User menu > Network > Connection test”, then press “OK/►” to
check the Internet connectivity. If failed, follow below steps to ensure
connectivity Select “User menu > Network > IP settings”, then press
“OK/►” to enter into “IP settings” submenu
Set “Address type” to “Auto” by pressing “OK/►” key, it will acquire and enter
the new detected IP address automatically
You can also follow below steps to enter your IP address manually
• Set “Address type” to “Manual” by pressing “OK/►” key, then press “▼” key to
go to the first entry field
• Enter the “IP address”, “Subnet mask”, “Default gateway”, “Primary DNS” and
“Secondary DNS” values.
Use remote control digital keys to enter numbers and “◄/►” key to move from one
to other field location
After setting all required inputs, select “User menu > Network >
Connection test” to check the Internet connectivity again
Select “User menu > Network > Information”, then press “OK/►” key to
display current connection details, such as Interface, Address type, IP
address, etc..
Update through the menu
Select “User menu > System > Software update > By network”, then TV
starts to search new software automatically .If new software is detected, the
page will show the button and hint that can guide you.
You can select “Later” if you don’t want to download software now.
Select “Download”, software will be download automatically. The download
progress will be shown in the lower right corner:
the instructions on TV if download or update failed. And you can check your
network and try again.
Please wait for a moment, when the progress appears from 0% to 100%, TV will
show a dialog to ask you if you want to update.
can select “Later” if you don’t want to update now. While you select “Never”,
the dialog will not be shown until another new software is detected.
Select “Update”, TV will update automatically. First the following dialog will
be shown. Then TV will restart automatically to finish updating:
NOT power off TV until it restart successfully.
You can select “User menu > Settings > Software update”, the “Current
version” shows the new Software version.
Update through auto detection
When your TV has powered on and connected on the internet, a dialog will appear
on TV if TV detects new software:
can select “Later” if you don’t want to download software and if you select the
“Never”, the dialog will not be shown until another new software is detected.
Select “Download” and TV will download automatically;
All the following operation is same as “Update through the menu”.