configuration instructions: NT11106PC201AG
the following NXP or Trident Micro-Jungle:
TDA11105PS, TDA11106PS, TDA11115PS,
TDA11126PS, TDA11145PS, TDA12135PS, TDA12136PS, TDA12165PS, TDA12196PS
Introduction to UOC-TOP technology (series TDA11106PS)
TDA11106PS / N2 series mainly adopts the form of pin package SDIP64 With the
200 channels in memory
Image processing includes brightness control, contrast control, control color,
system color control, image enhancement and five image modes.
Users can edit the LOGO, show the LOGO when starting up and without signal
Have the perpetual calendar and the game function.
New OSD style, compatible with English, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Persian, Turkish,
French, Bulgarian, Russian, Portuguese, Roman, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch,
Swedish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian,
Greek, Kenyan
Compatible with the FS and VS tuner
With the screen change function, the up and down mode, and the left mode and Right
is optional.
The AKB function of all products is optional. When AKB is disabled, the energy
in the cost of use can be reduced
Added the left and right line suppression setting for an easy configuration of
different parameters of the image tube
Added CORING and the black extension in the image processing, obviously the
image quality is improved.
Description of IC pins
peripheral controller TDA11106 PS: EEPROM: 24C08
control IC: NEC code / SANYO code. The factory debug instructions.
How to enter the Factory
mode (Service Mode)
1: In normal use, press the [MENU] key, the menu is displayed "Image".
When it is displayed, press the numeric keys "6, 4, 8, 3" in sequence
and the television enters the factory mode.
2: Use the [PROOF] button on the factory-specific remote control:
control of the NEC code, press the [PRESET] key first, then press the [TEST]
key within 2 second.
The TV enters production mode and the screen shows the
production mode indicator.
control of the SANYO code, press the [TEST] button.
The TV enters production
mode, display screen, show tips for the mode of production.
[TEST] or [POWER] to switch from production mode to status normal work.
[- / - -] in the [PROOF] state to enter the [BUS OPEN] state.
[BUS OPEN], press the [- / - -] key to return to the factory state.
Enter the debug / configure menu method
* User
debugging menu: press the [TEST] or [MENU] key plus the numeric key "6, 4,
8, 3", enter the white balance debug state " B / W BALANCE "and
then press [TEST] or [Display] to enter the "M0" menu, then press the
[MUTE] button to enter the "M1" menus and "M2"
User configuration menu: set "SETUP SELECT" in the menu "M2"
to "1", press the [MENU] key again to enter the "M3" menu ~
In the "M0" ~ "M9" state, press the [Display] button to
enter "FACTORY" mode.
Description of the debugging project of the menu: Factory.
Image debugging menu, take the PHILIPS / PAL test card (or
select the built-in verifier signal).
adjustment so that the horizontal centerline of the test card is in the upper
part of the piece.
Adjust V.POSI so that the vertical center of the image is consistent with the vertical
center of the CRT
Adjust V.SIZE so that the vertical amplitude of the image complies with the requirement,
and the re-emphasis rate = 90%
Adjust VSC to make the vertical correction of the best image S
Adjust H.PHASE so that the horizontal center of the image is consistent with the
horizontal center of the CRT
H.BLK.L (0 ~ 15), you can adjust the line
erase position to the left
H.BLK.R (0 ~ 15), you can adjust the line
cutting position on the right side
Take the PHILIPS test card (NTSC) and adjust the 60 Hz value to the base original
50 Hz. On the basis of increase or decrease.
the white balance (after the values recommended in the table)
"TEST.S" select the signal with the remote control.
Then select the item "VSD", press the "V +" button to enter
the state of the horizontal line.
The numeric key "2" reduces "R.BIA", the numeric key
"3" increases "R.BIA"
The numeric key "4" reduces "G.BIA", the numeric key
"5" increases "G.BIA"
The number key "6" reduces "B.BIA", the number key
"7" increases "B.BIA"
When adjusting to white, adjust potentiometer G2 on the FBT so that on the screen
appears one line horizontally, then press the "V +" button to return
to full screen status
Set the values of "R.DRV, G.DRV, B.DRV" until it reaches the desired
white balance 2 (after setting the recommended values in the table)
in "TEST.S" select the signal with the remote control.
Select "R. BIA ", press [Display] to display a horizontal line
the "V +" and "V-" keys to adjust the compensation. Press
the keys "P +" and "P-" for any of the following options:
R. BIA, G. BIA and B. BIA
adjusting to the white, adjust potentiometer G2 on the FBT so that the screen
appears one line horizontally, then press [Display] to return to full screen
the values of "R.DRV, G.DRV, B.DRV" until it reaches the desired
The temperature of the color sought.
the signal of the VH color bar of 60dB (1mv) and adjust the menu value AGC
(high or low voltage). The noise in the image is gradually reduced until the
noise simply disappears. At that moment, the tension of the point of TP-AGC
test, and the voltage is the desired AGC voltage. This tension is the tension of
AGC adjustment of the machine in the future.
"SETUP SELECT" is set to "1", press the "Mute"
button to enter between the menus after "M2". Get in.
Start LOGO input method: LOGO
M_MODE, press [Display] to enter the editing status of the LOGO.
[1] / [2]: Vertical position adjustment of the LOGO, [1] above, [2] below;
[3] / [4]: horizontal position adjustment LOGO, [3] to the left, [4] to the right;
[5] / [6]: Color selection of LOGO character, [5] adjust the first color of line,
[6] adjust the second color;
[7] / [8]: Adjust the character size of the LOGO, [7] adjust the first line
size, [8] adjust the second line large or small
[0]: Delete the entered letter
[up arrow] / [down arrow]: LOGO character selection (0 ~ 9; A ~ Z; a ~ z;
":. + - * / @", SPACE);
[arrow to the left] / [arrow to the right] to move the cursor;
the [Display] key: Exit the LOGO editing status, the information of the LOGO is
stored in EEPROM, returns M_MODE;
the tuner is used without band change, PIN 28 is the UHF output, PIN 30 is the
VHF-L output and PIN31 is a VHF-H output, all are "output from OPEN DRAIN
", and they need to connect a pull-up resistor to 5V.
When [HALFTONE] and [MENU BG] are all "ON", the interface OSD is of
semi-transparent brightness.
When [HALFTONE] is "ON" and [MENU BG] is "OFF", the
interface OSD is completely transparent
When [HALFTONE] is "OFF" and [MENU BG] is "ON", the OSD
interface is opaque.
Electro help - Service Modes, Circuit Diagrams, Firmware Update procedure, Disassemble procedure, Universal remote control set-up codes, Troubleshooting and more....