> Lay down the monitor on the EPE pad (Panel side
towards to us), then prize up the decoration piece of front frame use fixture.
> Use hand to draw the decoration piece to take
the top of it apart from the block slot of front frame. Use the same method to
take apart the other side.
> After the top of the decoration piece comes out
from the front frame block slot, then detrude the bottom of the decoration
piece horizontally.
> Take off the screws (A.B. C.D).
> Overturn the monitor, there are blocks fix the
frame and iron plate, so should use hand draw the frame to apart them.
> Take off the screws and the USB pc.
> Break off the block on the key pc cover to take
off the key pc, and then draw the key pc PIN.
> Take off the back cover, according to the order
of A. B. C. D to take down, if there is defect of main pc, should take off the
F six-angle first.
> Take off the screw which used to fix the iron
plate and Panel, and take apart the iron plate.
According to the different defective area, take
off the screws to get the relevant part to maintain.