Monday, November 17, 2014


Allshare & Set-up Procedure
Showing condition of DLNA Server connection
  Showing DLNA servers [DNS:Digital Media Server, RUIS:  Remote UI Server] connected to Home Network at a glance and also connects to Media Play or Screen Share Application.
Menu - Application - Content View - AllShare™ (Valencia)
Menu - Application - AllShare™ (Trident)
A function of DLNA Server connection inform (icon mode)
  After the TV's on, if the Samsung DLNA server starts to activate, AllShare will sense it and display the server info [icon,name].  If the certain application [Content View etc.] is already performing, AllShare will show it in a simple icon.
A function of DLNA Server connection inform (window mode)
  After the TV's on, if the Samsung DLNA server starts to activate, AllShare will sense it and display the server info [icon, name].  IF user is watching TV, AllShare will allow the user to play Media Play or ScreenShare by Window node.
  TV could support a function that Samsung mobile phones do services form of a web server.  At present, Samsung mobile phones provide a function of fie viewer, calendar, phone book.
Message : one of the function of AllShare, checking the call from the cell phone, SMS information, schedule booked on mobile phone.
One of the function of AllShare, showing videos, pictures, MP3 files of cell phone on TV by controlling the cell phone.
Allshare set-up
Message :
On/off the Message function on TV.
Media : On/off the media function on TV.
TV name : Change the name of the TV showing on the mobile phone.
AllShare  Setup : Menu - Application - Content View - AllShare - A
Change the TV name
Change the name among already supplied lists.
OSK(On Screen Keyboard): Able to type name of the TV.
Message: approach control
1. TV allows the cell phone (201-123-4567) access to send message.
2. TV blocks the cell phone (201-123-4567) access to send message to this TV set. After blocking like this, the cell phone cannot find TV set on the network, at all.
3. IF the cell phone (201-123-4567) is not used at all, you can delete that entry from the access control list.  If the same cell phone turns on, it can appear the list .
Media: approach control
Same as Message approach control.