Friday, June 05, 2015

Onida Oxygen CO21OXL200S – From MY SERVICE TABLE Today

No picture or sound.  Standby stays lit; steady.
The standby light stays On; when the set is powered up.  No other functions.  No video or audio.  No symptom of EHT generation.
The standby light is On, means the SMPS section circuit is working.  If not; there will be no standby light, as 5VDC to it will be absent; which too is generated by SMPS.
So it is clear that there is some other problem/s to other DC voltages generated by the SMPS transformer. 
Checked all the DC voltages at the Cold Side of the SMPS.
Measured the +B voltage.  Ok.  Shows around 111.75VDC.  It is normal in this condition, as there is no load to it, because the EHT section circuit is not working.  When it start to work, this voltage will go down to 110VDC; and should be.
It is clear that the horizontal output transistor is not leaky, and there is no other short circuited component/s at the horizontal output section circuit.  If were, this +B voltage too might drop down.
Checked the other voltages.  The 30VDC output from the SMPS found to be absent.  Checked the continuity of the SMPS transformer winding to this voltage.
Checked the rectifier diode connected to generate this voltage [D913 – BYV28].  Measured shorted junction.  About (0.002Ohms)
Desolderd it out from the circuit, and measured the junction resistor to it again.  Shorted junction, confirmed.
Soldered an other new diode in place [on the foil side; just for a test], and switched ON the set.
The defective Diode
Ok.  The blue screen came on.
Checked the +B voltage now.  Measured 110.03VDC.  absolutely normal.
Connected to external Ariel.  The on-air program received.  Picture and sound is OK.  But, the ‘Menu’ selection was not possible.
On checking, one of the micro switches soldered on board was jammed.
Replaced it. Checked the set for an hour.  No further problem detected.  Ready to deliver.