Friday, October 16, 2015


Circuit Configuration, Printed Circuit Boards and connector details - Toshiba Split-Type Air Conditioner RAV-SM562UT-E RAV-SM562BT-E RAV-SM562CT-E - RAV-SM802UT-E RAV-SM802BT-E RAV-SM802CT-E - RAV-SM1102UT-E RAV-SM1102BT-E RAV-SM1102CT-E - RAV-SM1402UT-E RAV-SM1402BT-E RAV-SM1402CT-E - RAV-SP1102UT-E
Indoor Control Circuit
Outline of Main Controls
Pulse Motor Valve (P.M.V.) control

1. PMV is controlled with 50 to 500 pulses during operation, respectively.
2. In cooling operation, P.M.V. is controlled with the temperature difference between TS sensor and TC sensor.
3. In heating operation, P.M.V. is controlled with the temperature difference between TS sensor and TE sensor.
4. For the temperature difference in items 2) and 3), 1 to 5K is aimed as the target in both cooling and heating operations.
5. When the cycle excessively rose in both cooling and heating operations, PMV is controlled by TD sensor.  The aimed value is usually 105°C for SM562 and 100°C for SM802, SM1102, SM1402 in both cooling and heating operations.
[A sensor trouble may cause a liquid back-flow or abnormal overheat resulting in excessive shortening of the compressor life. In a case of trouble on the compressor, be sure to check there is no error in the resistance value and the refrigerating cycle of each sensor after repair and then start the operation.]
Discharge temperature release control
1. This function controls the operation frequency, that is, lowers the operation frequency when the discharge temperature has not lower or the discharge temperature has rapidly risen during P.M.V. control.  It subdivides the frequency control up to a unit of 0.6Hz to stabilize the cycle.
2. When the discharge temperature is detected in an abnormal stop zone, the unit stops the compressor and restarts after 2 minutes 30 seconds.  The error counter is cleared when it has continued the operation for 10 minutes.  If the abnormal stop zone has been detected by 4 times without clearing of counter, an error “P03” is displayed.  * The cause is considered as excessively little  amount of refrigerant, defective PMV, or cloggiCurrent release control.
The output frequency and the output voltage are controlled by AC current value detected by T02 on the outdoor P.C. board so that input current of the inverter does not exceed the specified of cycle.
Current release control
The output frequency and the output voltage are controlled by AC current value detected by T02 on the outdoor P.C. board so that input current of the inverter does not exceed the specified value.
Cooling fan control 
> The outdoor fan is controlled by TE, TD, and TO sensors and also revolution frequency of the operation. The outdoor is controlled by every 1 tap of DC fan control (15 taps).
> Only during 60 seconds after the operation has started, the fan is fixed with the maximum fan tap which corresponds to the zone.  After then the fan is controlled by TE sensor temperature.
> Considering a case that TE sensor has come out of the holder, the fan is controlled so that revolution frequency of the fan increases regardless of TE if temperature of TD sensor has risen.
Heating fan control 
The outdoor fan is controlled by TE sensor, TO sensor and the operation frequency.  (From Min. W1 to Max. are controlled)
During 3 minutes after start-up, the fan is fixed with the maximum fan tap corresponding to zone. After then the fan is controlled by temperature of TE sensor.
If status, TE > 24°C continues for 5 minutes, the operation stops. This status is same to the usual Thermo-OFF which has no alarm display,
and the fan restarts after 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This intermittent operation is not abnormal.
When the above status (2) occurs frequently, it is considered that the filter of suction part of the indoor unit is stain. Clean the filter and then restart the operation.
Coil heating control
This control function heats the compressor by turning on the stopped compressor instead of a case heater. It purposes to prevent slackness of the refrigerant inside of the compressor.
As usual, turn on power of the compressor for the specified time before a test run after installation, otherwise a trouble of the compressor may be caused. As same as a test run, it is recommended to turn on power of the compressor beforehand when starting operation after power of the compressor has been interrupted for a long time.
A judgement for electricity is performed by TD and TO sensors. If TO sensor is defective, a backup control is automatically performed by TE sensor. For a case of defective TO sensor, judge it with the outdoor LED display.
Coil heating is controlled by TD and TE sensor.
For every model, the power is turned off when TD is 30°C or more.
Defrost control
In heating operation, defrost operation is performed when TE sensor temperature satisfies any condition in A zone to D zone.
The defrost operation is immediately finished if TE sensor temperature has become 12°C or more, or it also is finished when condition of 7°C < TE < 12°C has continued for 1 minute. The defrost operation is also finished when defrost operation has continued for 10 minutes even if TE sensor temperature has become 7°C or lower.
After defrost operation has finished, the compressor and the outdoor fan start heating operation after stopped for approx. 50 seconds.
[The minimum TE value between 10 and 15 minutes after heating operation has started is stored in memory as TE0.]
Board Optional Connector Specifications
Outdoor Controls
Print Circuit Board
P.C. Board Comparison Table for Digital Inverter.
PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD [Populated] & Connector Details
Viewed from parts of P.C board - RAV-SM562AT-E, RAV-SM802AT-E -MCC-5009
RAV-SM1102AT-E, RAV-SM1402AT-E / RAV-SP562AT-E, RAV-SP802AT-E - MCC-1531
RAV-SP1102AT-E, RAV-SP1402AT-E - MCC-1531
RAV-SM1102AT-E, RAV-SM1402AT-E / RAV-SP562AT-E, RAV-SP802AT-E, RAV-SP1102AT-E, RAV-SP1402AT-E - IPDU : MCC-1438