Friday, May 30, 2014


Service Mode, Error Codes - 51NP6100 – 51PP9100 – 60PP9100 Philips Magnavox - [LED blinking codes]
ON-SCREEN VIA SAM [Service Alignment Mode]
ERR: 0000000 – No errors detected
ERR: 6000000: Error code 6 is the last and only detected error.
ERR: 9600000:  Error 6 was detected first, and the error code 9 is the last detected error.
Via Blinking DED procedure, if o picture available.
When SDM is entered, the LED will blink the number of times equal to the value of the error code.  The ON/Off indicator going out for 500ms precedes all error code sequences.  There is a possibility up to 10.  After 500ms delay, the On/Off indicator will slowly flash the first number of the first code.  This immediately follows by rapid flashes for the second number in the first code.  If an error code is smaller than 10, the On/Off indicator will rap[idly flash 1-9 times to indicate the code.  [Six rapid flashes indicate an error code of 6.]
  There will be a delay of approximately 3 seconds between codes.  For error codes of 10 and higher, the On/Off indicator will slowly flash the correct number of times to indicate the first digit, and will then rapidly flash the correct number of times to indicate the second digit.  For example, three slow flashes followed by six rapid flashes indicates and error cod 36.  When all error codes are displayed, the sequence is finished and the On/Off indicator turns Off for 300ms.  At this point the sequence will begin again as indicated by the On/Off indicator turning ON for 300 ms and repeating all error codes. Example: 112 124 036 0 0
After entering the SDM the sequence will begin by the On/Off indicator turning off for 500ms.  Then slowly blink 11 times followed by two rapid blinks; indicating error code 112.  Next, the LED will pause for 300 ms followed by 2 slow blinks follow by 4 rapid blinks, indication error code 024.  Next the LED will pause for 300ms, then slowly blink 3 times followed by 6 rapid blinks, indicating error code 36.  Then pause 300ms ending the sequence in this example.  If there were error codes in positions 4 and w, those sequences would also be given.  If errors 1,2,3 or 4 occur, the LED always blinks indicating the last error that occurred, even if the set is not in service mode.
Press the ‘Mute’ button on the remote control, simultaneously with ‘Menu” button on the TV [top] for at least 4 seconds.

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