Never try to enter Service Mode, and adjust any data values stored, without proper knowledge and experience. Read carefully all these descriptions, and be confident that you can do it.
Service Mode feature is split into four parts:
Service Default Mode (SDM).
Service Alignment Mode (SAM).
Customer Service Mode (CSM).
Computer Aided Repair Mode (ComPair).
and SAM offer features, which can be used by the Service engineer to
repair/align a TV set. Some features are:
A pre-defined situation to ensure measurements can be made under uniform
conditions (SDM).
Activates the blinking LED procedure for error identification when no picture
is available (SDM).
The possibility
to over rule software protections when SDM is entered via the Service pins.
Make alignments (e.g. White Tone), (de)select
options, enter options codes, reset the error buffer (SAM).
Display information (“SDM” or “SAM” indication in upper right corner of screen,
error buffer, software version, operating hours, options and option codes, sub
CSM is a Service Mode that can be enabled by the consumer. The CSM displays
diagnosis information, which the customer can forward to the dealer or call
centre. In CSM mode, “CSM”, is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Increase the home repair hit rate.
Decrease the number of nuisance calls.
Solved customers' problem without home visit.
Mode is used for communication between a computer and a TV on I2C /UART level
and can be used by a Service engineer to quickly diagnose the TV set by reading
out error codes, read and write in NVMs, communicate with ICs and the uP (PWM,
registers, etc.), and by making use of a fault finding database. It will also
be possible to up and download the software of the TV set via I2C with help of
To do this, ComPair has to be connected to the TV set via the ComPair connector, which will be accessible through the rear of the set (without removing the rear cover).
To do this, ComPair has to be connected to the TV set via the ComPair connector, which will be accessible through the rear of the set (without removing the rear cover).
the life time cycle of the TV set, a timer is kept (called “Op. Hour”). It counts
the normal operation hours (not the Stand-by hours). The actual value of the
timer is displayed in SDM and SAM in a decimal value. Every two soft-resets increase
the hour by +1. Stand-by hours are not counted.
Identification, Version, and Cluster
software ID, version, and cluster will be shown in the main menu display of
SDM, SAM, and CSM. The screen will show:
“AAAAAAB-XX.YY”, where: • AAAAAAis the chassis name: L11M11. Bis the region indication: E= Europe, A=
AP/China, U = NAFTA, L= LATAM. XXis the main version number: this is updated
with a major change of specification (incompatible with the previous software
version). Numbering will go from 01 - 99 and AA - ZZ.
If the main version number changes, the new version number is written in the
If the main version number changes, the default settings are loaded.
YYis the sub version number: this is updated with a minor change (backwards
compatible with the previous versions) Numbering will go from 00 - 99.
If the sub version number changes, the
new version number is written in the NVM.
If the NVM is fresh, the software identification, version,and cluster will be
written to NVM
Option Code Selection
after an SSB or display exchange, the display option code is not set properly,
it will result in a TV with “no display”. Therefore, it is requiredto set this
display option code after such a repair.
To do so, press the following key sequence on a standard RC transmitter:
“062598” directly followed by MENU/HOMEand “xxx”, where “xxx” is a 3 digit
decimal value ofthe panel type, see sticker on the side/bottom of the cabinet.
When the value is accepted and stored in NVM, the set will switch to Stand-by to
indicate that the process has been completed.
Default Mode (SDM)
Purpose: Set the TV in SDM mode in order to be able to
create a predefined setting for measurements to be made. In this platform a
simplified SDM is introduced (without protection override and without tuning to
a predefined frequency).
Set linear video and audio settings to 50%, but volume to 25%. Stored user
settings are not affected.
Set Smart Picture to “Game”.
Set Smart Sound to “Standard”.
Tune channel to:
for analogue SDM: channel 3 (61.25 MHz)
for digital SDM: channel 26 (545.143 MHz).
For digital SDM: set PID default from the stream.
All service-unfriendly modes (if
present) are disabled, since they interfere with diagnosing/repairing a set.
These service unfriendly modes are:
(Sleep) timer.
Blue mute/Wall paper.
Auto switch “off” (when there is no “ident” signal).
Hotel or hospital mode.
Child lock or parental lock (manual or via V-chip).
Skipping, blanking of “Not favourite”, “Skipped” or “Locked” presets/channels.
Automatic storing of Personal Preset or Last Status settings.
Automatic user menu time-out (menu switches back/OFF automatically.
How to Activate: To
activate analogue SDM, use one of the following methods:
Press the following key sequence on the RC transmitter: “062596” directly
followed by the MENU button.
Short one of the “Service” pads on the TV board during cold start Then press
the mains button (remove the short after start-up).
When doing this, the service-technician must know exactly what he is doing, as
it could damage the television set.
activate digitalSDM:
Press the following sequence on the RC transmitter: “062593” directly followed
by the MENU button.
Screen Menu
activating SDM, the following items are displayed, with “SDM” in the upper
right corner of the screen to indicate that the television is in Service
Default Mode.
items and explanation:
xxxxx: Operating hours (in decimal).
Version, and Clusterfor the SW name definition.
ERR: Shows all errors detected since the last time the buffer was erased in
format <xxx> <xxx> <xxx> <xxx> <xxx> (five errors
OP: Used to read-out the option bytes. Ten codes (in two rows) are possible.
to Navigate
this mode is read only, there is not much to navigate. To switch to other
modes, use one of the following methods:
Command MENU from the user remote will enter the normal user menu (brightness,
contrast, color, etc...) with “SDM” OSD remaining, and pressing MENU key again
will return
to the last status of SDM again.
To prevent the OSD from interfering with measurements in SDM, command “OSD” or
“i+” (“STATUS” or “INFO” for NAFTA and LATAM) from the user remote will toggle
the OSD
“on/off” with “SDM” OSD remaining always “on”.
# Press the following key sequence on the remote
control transmitter: “062596” directly followed by the INFO[i+]/OK button to
switch to SAM (do not allow the display to time out between entries while
keying the sequence).
to Exit
the set to Stand-by by
pressing the standby button on the remote control transmitter or on the
television set, or
via a standard RC-transmitter by keying the “00” sequence. If you switch the television set “off” by
removing the mains (i.e., unplugging the television), the television set will
remain in SDM when mains is re-applied, and the error buffer is not cleared. The error buffer will only be cleared when
the “clear” command is used in the SAM menu.
If the TV is switched “off” by a power
interrupt while in SDM, the TV will show up in the last status of SDM menu as
soon as the power is supplied again. The error buffer will not be cleared.
In case the set is accidentally in Factory
mode (with an “F” displayed on the screen), pressing and holding “VOL-“ button
for 5 seconds and then followed by pressing and holding the “CH-” button for
another 5 seconds should exit the Factory mode.
Alignment Mode (SAM)
To change option settings.
To display / clear the error code buffer.
To perform alignments.
Operation hours counter (maximum five digits displayed).
Software version, error codes, and option settings display.
Error buffer clearing.
Option settings.
Software alignments (White Tone).
NVM Editor.
Set screen mode to full screen (all content is visible).
Set Smart Picture to “Game”.
to Activate
activate SAM, use one of the following methods:
Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: “062596”
directly followed by the INFO[i+] /OK button. Do not allow the display to time
out between entries while keying the sequence.
Or via ComPair.
entering SAM, the following items are displayed, with “SAM” in the upper right
corner of the screen to indicate that the television is in Service Alignment
Op Hour:This represents the life timer. The timer counts normal operation
hours, but does not count Stand-by hours.
ERR:Shows all errors detected since the last time the buffer was erased. Five
errors possible.
OP1/OP2:Used to read-out the option bytes. Ten codes are possible.
AGC Adjustment:
store the data.
# Clear. Erases the contents of the error
buffer. Select this menu item and press the MENU RIGHT key on the remote control.
The content of the error buffer is cleared.
# Options.To
set the option bits.
Align.To align the White Tone.
Editor.To change the NVM data in the television set.
# Upload
to USB.
# Download
from USB.
Initialise NVM.To initialize a (corrupted) NVM. Be careful, this will erase all
# Auto
Write Enable.Enables EDID writing (not applicable to Berlinale sets).
# Service
Data.Virtual Key board for character input entry.
to Navigate
In the SAM menu, select menu items with the UP/DOWN keys on the remote control
transmitter. The selected item will be indicated. When not all menu items fit
on the screen, use the UP/DOWN keys to display the next / previous menu items.
With the LEFT/RIGHT keys, it is possible to:
– Activate the selected menu item. – Change the value of the selected
menu item. – Activate the selected sub menu.
When you press the MENU button twice while in top level SAM, the set will
switch to the normal user menu (with the SAM mode still active in the background).
To return to the SAM menu press the MENU button.
The “INFO[i+]/OK” key from the user remote will toggle the OSD “on/off” with
“SAM” OSD remaining always “on”.
Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: “062596”
directly followed by the MENU button to switch to SDM (do not allow the display
to time out between entries while keying the sequence).
to Store SAM Settings
store the settings changed in SAM mode (except the OPTIONS and RGB ALIGN
settings), leave the top level SAM menu by using the POWER button on the remote
control transmitter or the television set. The mentioned exceptions must be
stored separately via the STORE button.
to Exit
the set to STANDBY by pressing the mains button on the remote control
transmitter or the television set, or by keying-in the “00” sequence on a
standard RC-transmitter.
When the TV is switched “off” by a power
interrupt while in SAM, the TV will show up in “normal operation mode” as soon
as the power is supplied again. The error buffer will not be cleared.
In case the set is in Factory mode by accident (with “F” displayed on screen),
pressing and holding “VOL-“ button for 5 seconds and then followed by pressing
and holding the “CH-” button for another 5 seconds should exit the Factory mode.
codes are required to indicate failures in the TV set. In principle a unique
error code is available for every:
Activated (SW) protection.
Failing I2C device.
General I2C error. The last five errors,
stored in the NVM, are shown in the Service menu’s. This is called the error
buffer. The error code buffer contains
all errors detected since the last time the buffer was erased. The buffer is
written from left to right. When an error occurs that is not yet in the error
code buffer, it is displayed at the left side and all other errors shift one position
to the right. An error will be added to
the buffer if this error differs from any error in the buffer. The last found
error is displayed on the left. An error with a designated error code
neverleads to a deadlock situation. It must always be diagnosable (e.g. error buffer
via OSD or blinking LED or via ComPair).In case a failure identified by an
error code automatically results in other error codes (cause and effect), only
the error code of the MAIN failure is displayed.
to Read the Error Buffer
can read the error buffer in three ways:
On screen via the SAM/SDM/CSM (if you have a picture).
ERROR: 0 0 0 0 0: No errors detected
ERROR: 6 0 0 0 0: Error code 6 is the last and only detected error
ERROR: 9 6 0 0 0: Error code 6 was detected first and error code 9 is the last
detected (newest) error
Via the blinking LED procedure (when you have no picture).
“layer 1” error codes are pointing to the defective board. They are triggered
by LED blinking when CSM is activated. In the LC10 platform, only two boards
are present: the SSB and the PSU/IPB, meaning only the following layer 1 errors
are defined:
2: SSB
4: Display
to Clear the Error Buffer
error code buffer is cleared in the following cases:
By using the CLEAR command in the SAM menu:
By using the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: “062599”
directly followed by the OK button.
If the contents of the error buffer have not changed for 50 hours, the error
buffer resets automatically.
If you exit SAM by disconnecting the mains from the television set, the error
buffer is not reset..ERROR CODE TABLE
Blinking LED Procedure
software is capable of identifying different kinds of errors. Because it is
possible that more than one error can occur over time, an error buffer is
available, which is capable of storing the last five errors that occurred. This
is useful if the OSD is not working properly.
Errors can also be displayed by the blinking LED procedure. The method
is to repeatedly let the front LED pulse with as many pulses as the error code
number, followed by a period of 1.5 seconds in which the LED is “off”. Then
this sequence is repeated.
(1): error code 4 will result in four times the sequence LED “on” for 0.25
seconds / LED “off” for 0.25 seconds. After this sequence, the LED will be
“off” for 1.5 Sconds. Any RC command
terminates the sequence. Error code LED blinking is in red color.
(2): the content of the error buffer is “129600”
entering SDM, the following occurs:
1 long blink of 5 seconds to start the sequence,
12 short blinks followed by a pause of 1.5 seconds,
9 short blinks followed by a pause of
1.5 seconds,
6 short blinks followed by a pause of
1.5 seconds,
1 long blink of 1.5 seconds to finish the sequence,
The sequence starts again with 12 short blinks.
the Entire Error Buffer
the entire error buffer is displayed when Service Mode “SDM” is entered.
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