Friday, August 31, 2012


  1. Turn ON the power, and set the DVD mode.
  2. Confirm that 'No Disc' will be appeared on screen.
  3. Press both "Volume Down' button on the TV set & Channel button '5' on the remote control for more than 2 seconds.
  4. Press "Vol Dn" button on the unit to check if all keys on the unit "Do Not" function.  [To check if DVD write mode is set:  When inserting update disc at Non DVD Write mode, the 'read error' will happen].
  5. Insert the update disc.
  6. Automatic read will start and "Firmware upgrade Please Wait" will be displayed on the screen. At this time, the horizontal noise lines may appear.  But no problem.   [Do not turn OFF the unit on the way or operate the keys on the unit and remote control.  Update error will happen, and cannot be done with the Up-Date of Up-Date disc.]
  7. After update, Logo Screen will appear.
  8. Unplug the AC cord, the plug it back again. [[ After the write, set to initializing of Shipping ]]
  9. Turn ON the Power, and set the DVD mode.
  10. Press Both "Volume Down" button on the TV and channel button '4' on the remote control for more than '2' seconds.  The "INITIALIZE 5 --> COMPLETE" will appear on the screen.
  11. Unplug the AC cord and Re-plug it again.  [[ Check for the firmware version ]]
  12. Turn ON the power, and set DVD mode.  
  13. Press Both "Channel button '1'" on the remote control, and 'Stop" button on the TV set for more than '2' seconds.  Firmware version will be displayed on the to left of the screen.  When the changed version displays, the re-write will be completed.
  14. Turn "OFF" the Power.
           No Disc

ADLJB: Fixed
8214:  Release Date [Eg: 2008.02.14]  { A=October.  B=November. C=December}
A: Released times on the same date.

Up-Date Disc:
Ref No: JG176
Part No:  APJG176139.