Thursday, August 09, 2012


                                                TO ENTER SERVICE MODE
  1. Press the "Menu" button, and then the screen display will appear "Overview" OSD, below as figure Overview OSD.  Then press the 'Info" button and "1", "0" and "3" buttons step by step to Enter Service Mode.  Service mode figure will appear on the screen.
  2. To select and item to adjust, use Up & Dn buttons on the remote control
  3. Use ( <= ) & ( =>) buttons on the remote control, to adjust the data value to selected item.
                                               SERVICE MENU DESCRIPTION
  1. Color Temp: P-N means Normal  on YpbPr, V-N means Normal on Video Mode.  Each item decide different gamma curve.
  2. Red Drive, Green Drive & Blue Drive: means gamma RGB gain control by scaler.  
  3. Red Offset, Green Offset & Blue Offset; means gamma RGB offset contro by scaler.
  4. Reset to Defaults:  Press "OK" will load all default value on User OSD.
  5. Calibration: Press this button guide to calibrate A/D converter white and black level on PC input.  Also guide to calibrate A/D converter PbPr offset on YpbPr input.
  6. Auto Turn On:  Toggle On/Off control auto turn On.  This function is for factory burn-in sets.  Only active on selection PC input then main power Off.
  7. Green Lable:  Tuner s/w version, time while compiling s/w model name, main s/w version.
  8. OSD Position:  OSD position selection.
  9. Factory Save:  Press "OK" save all parameters on service mode.
  10. Auto Adjustment:  Auto adjustment new timing; position, phase etc:  Only active on PC mode.
  11. Video int Gain:  This slider bar used to align brightness spec of video mode.  Larger value bring too brighter.  Control by video decoder VPC3230.
  12. Color:  Adjust color saturation.  Same function on user OSD.  Control by video.
  13. Tuner set V-Level:  Not used.
  14. Tuner Get V level:  Not used.
  15. Set First Installation:  "Enable" means TV will pop-up installation OSD at next Power-On.
  16. Tuner set factory programs:  Not used.
  17. EXIT:  Exit service mode.