Sunday, April 28, 2013


  • By transmitting the "DEFAULT" command with the RC7150 Dealer Service Tool (this works both while the set is in normal operation mode or in the SAM)
  • By shorting jumpers 9040 and 9041 on the monocarrier with a screwdriver while switching on the set.
  • By temporarily shorting jumper 9040 and 9041 when switching the set on, the 5V protection is disabled.
CAUTION:  Overriding the 5V protection should only be used for a short period of time.
Blinking LED procedure
  • When an error code is present in the error buffer, the LED will blink the number of times, equal to the value of the most current error code.
  • For recognition of the SDM, "SDM" is displayed at the upper right side of the screen.
  • By pressing the "VOLUME +" and "VOLUME -" buttons on the local keyboard simultaneously the set switches from SDM to SAM.
  • The purpose of the SAM is to do alignments, option settings, display/clear the error code buffer and reload default values.
Entering SAM:
  • By transmitting the "ALIGN" command with the RC7150 Dealer Service Tool (this works both while the set is in normal operation mode or in the SDM)
  • By pressing the "VOLUME +" and "VOLUME -" key on the local keyboard simultaneously when the set is in SDM.
  • Switch the set to Standby (the error buffer will be erased)
  • Note: When the mains power is switched off while the set is in SAM, the set will enter to SDM immediately when the mains is switched on again.
  • In the SAM the following information is displayed on the screen:
  1. Operation hours timer (hexadecimal)
  2. Software identification of the main micro controller (A80BBC-X.Y)

  • A80 is the chassis name for A8.0E
  • BBC is 2 letter and 1 digit combination to indicate the software type and the supported languages:
  •  X = (main version number)
  •  Y = (subversion number.
3.  Software identification of a separate Teletext or EPG micro controller (DDDD E FF)
4.  Error buffer (6 errors possible)
5.  Option bytes (7 codes possible), summary of options are explained below
6.  Sub menus are listed in a scroll-menu.
With the cursor LEFT/RIGHT keys, it is possible to:
  • (de)activated the selected menu item (e.g. LOAD DEFAULT)
  • change the value of the selected menu item
  • activate the selected submenu (e.g GEOMETRY)
Access to normal user menu
Pressing the "MENU" button on the remote control switches between the SDM and the normal user menus (with the SAM mode still active in the background). Pressing the MENU key in a sub-menu will go to the previous menu.
Erasing the contents of the error buffer. Select the ERASE BUFFER menu item and press the MENU RIGHT key. The contents of the error buffer is cleared.
Reloading memory default values. All default settings can be reloaded into the memory (EEPROM). Select the RELOAD DEAULT menu item and press the MENU RIGHT key. Select LOAD NOW and press MENU RIGHT to reload all settings, then switch the set to STANDBY. The default settings are activated when the set is switched on. CAUTION! Use this menu with extreme care. Otherwise customer settings will be lost.

By transmitting the "DEFAULT" command with the RC7150 Dealer Service Tool (this works both while the set is in normal operation mode or in the SAM)
By shorting jumpers 9040 and 9041 on the monocarrier with a screwdriver while switching on the set.
By temporarily shorting jumper 9040 and 9041 when switching the set on, the 5V protection is disabled.
CAUTION ! Overriding the 5V protection should only be used for a short period of time.

Blinking LED procedure
When an error code is present in the error buffer, the LED will blink the number of times, equal to the value of the most current error code.
For recognition of the SDM, "SDM" is displayed at the upper right side of the screen.