Monday, October 01, 2012


     The Power Supply to these models Plasma TVs is divided into two modules.  The Main Power Supply and the Low B - Audio Output Module.  The main supply in this unit provides seven supply sources.  It is considered as a module and can only be serviced to modular level.  If it is determined to be defective, it must be changed.  No repair to these boards are advised.
     The Low -B Audio Out module provides four low voltage sources.  It can be serviced to component level or can be exchanged as a modular assembly.  The audio out module contains the Audio Output stage for the unit.
     The Main Power supply shown below is considered a modular replacement item.  Understanding  its design allows to make sound technical judgments when troubleshooting.    There is a jumper mounted just to the left of two relays on the Main Supply board.  If this board should need replacement, be sure to transfer this jumper from the original power supply board to the replacement board.  This jumper is necessary for operation of this board.
                                                       Main Power supply board
The standby section operates any time AC is applied, and generates two 5Volt sources, PS Micro and 5V Standby.
                                                            Standby supply board.
     The PS Micro 5V source powers a microprocessor used to control Shutdown, error detection & ON or OFF voltage sequences of the supplies in the Main Power Supply.  This microprocessor can be located as a vertically mounted sub-assembly, attached to main power supply.  It is an integral part of the main power supply and is changed with the supply.  Any problem to this circuit area constitutes the need to change the Power Supply Module.
     The 5V Standby source is used to power the Main Microprocessor circuit, while the unit is in Standby mode.  The Microprocessor is located on the Scaler Module of the receiver and is used to control all operational aspects of the unit.  The system control unit communicates with the power supply microprocessor to activate the main supply, display error codes, pr trigger unit to shut down if necessary.  
                                                     Power Supply Micro board
Standby Test Points
     The  "PS - Micro" 5 Volt source can be found at pin 28 of the PKG 4 (PKG 4 has 30 pins).  It is directly soldered to the main power supply board.
The "5-V Standby or 5Vm" source can be found at pin 9 of P807 on the main power supply.
Standby 5V terminal