- The software is upgraded by a burning tool- ISP_TOOL4.0.9, which can burn the program file *.bin to the main board of the unit
- Install the ISP_TOOL4.0.9-------only for the first time update.
- Choose “system” option from the “control panel”
- Click the “system” icon as the following.
- Choose the “hardware” option from the dialog window.
- Click” device management” icon as the following.
- Choose the port (COM and LPT1)
- Choose the ECP print port {LPT1}
- Double click the ISP_TOOL4.0.9 icon, and then a dialog window will show as below.
- Choose“SDA in”and setting “PIN” is “PIN10”
Do not
draw [check] on the front of “Reverse High” As following.
- Choose “SCL in”and setting “PIN” is “PIN11”
Do not
draw [check] on the front of “Reverse High” As following.
- Choose “SDA out”and setting “PIN” is “PIN4”
[check] on the front of “Reverse High” As following.
- Choose “SCL out”and setting “PIN” is “PIN2”
Draw [check] on the front of “Reverse High” As following.
- After having finished all above, clicking the “Apply ”button to complete the configuration.
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