Thursday, January 10, 2013

BOSE - 3.2.1 _ AM272394_ TV - REMOTE CODES _ 5 0f 5


  • Turn on both the 3•2•1 system and your TV.
  • Press and hold the Program and TV On/Off buttons (shown on the left) for 3 seconds.  The remote Source buttons will light to signal that you have entered programming mode.
  • Use the number keys to enter your TV’s four-digit setup code.
  • Press Program once to complete programming.  The remote will flash once to indicate successful programming. To confirm that, use the remote to turn your TV on and off or change channels.

Note:  If your advanced remote flashes rapidly several times during programming, an error has occurred. Wait 7 seconds for the remote to clear and begin programming again.


T + A......................... 0447
TCM.......................... 0808
TMK.......................... 0178, 0056,
TNCi......................... 0017
TVS........................... 0463
TVTEXT 95................ 0556
Tacico....................... 0178, 0179,
0009, 0092,0474
Tactus....................... 0272
Tai Yi......................... 0009
Tandberg................... 0367
Tandy........................ 0093, 0039,
0072, 0163,0217, 0218
Tashiko......................0032, 0033,
0036, 0043,0092, 0146,0163, 0216,
0217, 0363,0650, 0721
Tatung....................... 0054, 0154,
0156, 0051,0060, 0055,0003, 0009,
0011, 0036,0037, 0049,0072, 0217,
0272, 0338,0396, 0474,0516, 0553,
Teac.......................... 0282, 0009,
0037, 0264,0412, 0418,0455, 0624,
0668, 0698,0706, 0712,0721, 1037,
1437, 1904,1909, 1913,1932, 1949
Tec............................ 0009, 0217,
0247, 0259,0337, 0471,0474
Technema................. 0320
Technics....................0250, 0051,
Technol Ace.............. 0179
Technovox................ 0007
Techwood................. 0051, 0056,
Teco.......................... 0051, 0093,
0178, 0009,0036, 0068,0092, 0218,
0264, 0280,0474, 0653
Teknika......................0054, 0180,
0150, 0060,0019, 0179,0056, 0016,
0039, 0092,0186
Teleavia..................... 0196, 0205,
0343, 0399
Telefunken.................0056, 0005,
0037, 0073,0074, 0084,0101, 0109,
0196, 0213,0262, 0335,0343, 0471,
0486, 0498,0566, 0625,0702
Telegazi..................... 0037
Telemeister................ 0037, 0320
Telesonic................... 0037
Telestar......................0037, 0579
Teletech.................... 0009, 0037,
Teleton...................... 0036, 0186,
0206, 0217,0259, 0349,0363
Televideon.................0216, 0320
Temco....................... 0294
Tensai........................0009, 0037,
0104, 0105,0217, 0218,0247, 0294,
0320, 0371,0374, 0377
Tenson...................... 0320
Tera........................... 0030, 0031,
0149, 0466,0474
Texet......................... 0009, 0216,
0218, 0374
Thomas..................... 1904
Thomson...................0037, 0109,
0196, 0198,0205, 0287,0335, 0343,
0349, 0399,0471, 0560,0625, 1447
Thorn........................ 0005, 0035,
0037, 0072,0073, 0074,0084, 0104,
0190, 0192,0193, 0238,0272, 0278,
0335, 0343,0361, 0374,0499, 0505,
0512, 0535,0553
Thorn-Ferguson........ 0343
Tokai......................... 0009, 0037,
0163, 0337,0448
Tokyo........................ 0035, 0329,
Tomashi.................... 0282

Toshiba..................... 0154, 0156,
0060, 0035,0036, 0070,0102, 0109,
0149, 0161,0243, 0381,0502, 0508,
0509, 0553,0618, 0644,0650, 0718,
1256, 1508,1704, 1918,1935, 1936,
Tosonic..................... 0185
Trans Continens........0217
Transonic.................. 0698, 0712
Trical......................... 0157
Trident....................... 0516
Tristar........................ 0193, 0218
Triumph..................... 0177, 0243,
0346, 0516,0556
Tuntex....................... 0030, 0009,
0092, 0474
Uher.......................... 0037, 0206,
0303, 0320,0374, 0418,0486
Ultra.......................... 0192, 0391
Ultravox.................... 0037, 0087,
0102, 0213,0216, 0247
Unic Line...................0037, 0473

United....................... 0037
Universal................... 0027
Universum.................0009, 0010,
0011, 0032,0036, 0037,0070, 0074,
0076, 0104,0105, 0146,0157, 0170,
0177, 0213,0217, 0247,0264, 0290,
0294, 0327,0337, 0346,0361, 0370,
0411, 0418,0421, 0474,0480, 0492,
0505, 0512,0535, 0554,1901
Univox...................... 0037, 0087,
0163, 0238,0337
Vector Research....... 0030
Vestel........................ 0037, 0217
Vibrant...................... 0272
Victor......................... 0250, 0053,
0036, 0160,0376, 0650,0653
Video Concepts........ 0098
Videologic................. 0216, 0218
Videosat.................... 0247
Videotechnic............. 0217, 0320
Videoton................... 0356
Vidikron.................... 0054, 0242
Vidtech......................0178, 0019,
ViewSonic................. 1755
Viking........................ 0046
Vision........................ 0217, 0320
Vistar......................... 0206
Voxson...................... 0087, 0163,
0363, 0418
Waltham................... 0037, 0109,
0217, 0356,0385, 0418
Wards........................0054, 0165,
0030, 0178,0021, 0019,0179, 0056,
0016, 0020,0027, 0028,0029, 0080,
0096, 0111,0174, 0866
Watson......................0009, 0037,
0213, 0218,0320, 0394,0519, 0579
Watt Radio................ 0102, 0213, 0216

Waycon..................... 0156
Wega.........................0036, 0037,
Wegavox................... 0009
Weltblick................... 0320
White Westinghouse. 0463, 0037,
0186, 0216,0320, 0337,0623, 1909
Xrypton..................... 0037
Yamaha..................... 0030, 0019,
Yamishi..................... 0282, 0217,
Yapshe...................... 0250
Yokan........................ 0037
Yoko.......................... 0009, 0037,
0217, 0218,0264, 0339,0421
Zanussi..................... 0206, 0217,
Zenith........................0017, 0463,
0178, 0016,0092, 0624,1904, 1909,
1911, 1929
Zonda....................... 0003